Trinity says “No to Sugar”

“Say no to Sugar” is the punch line of many doctors and specifically dentists globally. Sugar and the remains of it in the mouth are plague for oral hygiene. Hence the dentists at Trinity Dental time and again stress of using alternative food or alternatives to sugar.

Research and development indicates that since breakfast incorporates the most important meal of the day, taking precise care of the sugar content can kick start a healthy start to the day considering oral hygiene and health.

Statistics indicate the rising number of people who indulge in comfort food like pastries and short cut caffeinated drinks to give them the necessary morning jolt suffer the most from poor oral hygiene and developing tooth decay. It’s no wonder that flossing and brushing the teeth does indeed help but a healthy breakfast gives the body the nutritious requirement for oral health maintenance.

A balanced breakfast enriched with fruits or fresh fruit juice with minimal or no sugar preferably, vegetables and fiber along with a good serving of healthy proteins is not only adequate but also takes care of bad breath, tooth decay, tooth loss and diseases of the gum.

A few of the effective healthy breakfast tips include oatmeal, whole wheat bread, ripe fruits and unsweetened tea, preferably a green one which  helps in strengthening the tooth enamel and preventing decay. Also high fiber cereals are also favored with less preservatives and added sugar.

A common sight at Trinity Dental is that many of the patients complain of the pressing time needs in the morning and hence they indulge in any tempting and short breakfast option. It is an advice by Trinity Dental to them that taking out time for a nutritionally balanced breakfast is absolutely essential for strength and health of the teeth in the long term.

Replies by Trinity Dental to the Queries of Oral Hygiene:

How bad are the candies for the teeth? How much of the sugary caffeinated drinks safe to consume without causing serious damage to the tooth enamel? What are some of the hard limits for maintaining good oral hygiene? Some of these queries and a world of others are frequently asked from our team of experts at Trinity Dental.

We would today like to outline specifically some of the disadvantages and threats some of the candies and soft (sugary) drinks pose to your oral health.

First and foremost the caffeinated sugary drinks contain a disastrous amount of sugar in it which creates an environment ripe enough for bacteria to grow resulting in the formation of a tooth cavity. A 12-Oz can has 10 teaspoons of sugar; a 20-Oz can has 17 teaspoons of sugar while a 64 Oz has a deadly 52 teaspoons of sugar. Similarly many questions are asked whether diet soda is safe. Well not really as its not just the sugar but also the acidic content which destroys the tooth enamel. Diet sodas contain hi amount of phosphoric and citric acid which acts as a catalyst in enamel erosion.

Coming to candies and oral hygiene, we at Trinity Dental would like to outline broadly some of the deadly candies which pose a serious threat to the oral hygiene. Sticky and chewy toffees are one of the most serious no-no candies as they stick to the teeth and are hard to remove where then cavities are formed. Similarly due to their sticky nature they can break fillings and crowns. Also, acidic candies like lollipops, jawbreakers and sour candies react negatively with the enamel of the tooth causing eventual breakdown.

We at Trinity would advise sugar free gums if a candy is a must have for you. Sugar free gums don’t let the formation of bacteria plus helps in washing out food. For good hygienic oral conditions we recommend fluoridated water use, regular checkups and timely brushing of teeth.

A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Smile

A healthy natural smile is an aspiration of all. Oral hygiene and health speaks volumes of one’s personality. A perfect set of teeth boost’s one confidence manifolds. However like everything, teeth require proper management and care. The health of tooth is not only reserved to proper brushing and flossing. It requires bi-annual must check ups, cleaning and proper intake of nutrition.

The youth of today depend themselves on many shortcuts and look for comfortable solutions which can tend to their means. Hence by relying on supplements and dentists they fathom their work done from their part. However it is absolutely important for the health of the teeth to consume nutritionally balanced food.

The experts at Trinity Dental however have outlined a few oral health nutrition foods for a whiter brighter smile. Basil is considered one of the most natural antibiotics to fight off bacteria in the mouth. Like wise carrots contain Vitamin A which is absolutely essential in enamel formation of the tooth. Celery activates saliva production which assists in cleansing food particles off the mouth and massaging the gums.

Cheese calcium enriched food helps to prevent the decay of tooth as it is enriched with lactic acid. Similarly for the strong mouth tissues ginger plays a very positive part. However lemon assists in teeth whitening and balances the PH balance in the body. Catechin in green tea acts as an antioxidant which reduces bacteria that may lead to Gingivitis.

Where Kiwi is a Vitamin C enriched fruit, preventing tender gums, broccoli forms an acid resistant film on the teeth that help prevent the erosion of the tooth enamel.

The dentists and experts at Trinity Dental time and again stress on the consumption of a variety of food which contain the above outlined nutritional factors. The fruits and vegetables could be made tempting by serving different dips with it or accessorizing it with other temptations.


“The chief pleasure in eating does not consist in costly seasoning, or exquisite flavor, but in yourself.” Horace

But how can one continue to relish food and the pleasure and satisfaction it brings when painful or burning sores inside your mouth impede your eating habits. Revealing themselves as round, white or gray coloured sores with a red rim and appearing on the tongue, the roof or inside your cheeks, canker sores are believed to be caused by certain types of bacteria and/or viruses.

Women statistically suffer from canker sores more often than men. Canker sores are typically seen in people between the ages of 10 and 40, although they have been known to show up at any age.

Their onset may be due to injuries to the mouth causing an accidental biting to the inside of the cheek or lip; scalding hot food or drink; spicy and/or acidic foods; chewing tobacco; ill-fitting, complete or partial dentures, orthodontic brackets, bands, and various other orthodontic attachments and broken teeth causing constant friction on the oral tissues.

Other causes which may trigger the appearances of canker sores may be emotional stress; bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers known as Helicobacter pylori; vitamin deficiencies, specifically vitamin B12, foliate (folic acid), and iron; hormonal changes, notably during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause; genetics; allergic reactions and sensitivities to certain foods.

Canker sores may appear as a side effect or symptom of diseases like Celiac disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, HIV/AIDS and Behcet’s disease. Thus, it is important that if your sores become unusually large, cause extreme pain and interfere with eating, drinking, and talking; cause fever, physical sluggishness, swollen lymph nodes and infection and persist for over two weeks, you must visit the dental experts at Trinity Dental Center.

The dedicated team of dentists at Trinity Dental will conduct a thorough examination of your oral cavity and inspect your sores and may prescribe an antimicrobial mouth rinse, a corticosteroid ointment, or a prescription or over-the-counter solution to reduce the pain and irritation.

The oral experts at Trinity Dental Center also suggest avoiding foods that irritate your mouth, including citrus fruits and acidic vegetables and spicy foods; brushing with a softbristled brush after meals and flossing daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore.

To continue to enjoy and savor the simple, yet fulfilling, act of eating and drinking your favorite food, make Trinity Dental Centre your compassionate partner in oral healthcare.

Dental Avulsion needs Immediate Attention

Research has shown that there are five million teeth knocked-out each year in the United States which commonly include school-aged children, military trainees, fighters and accidents. Especially in school children, teeth are knocked-out during school activities or sporting events such as contact sports, football, basketball, and hockey.

Losing a tooth can cause the victim to be physically and emotionally sensitive, as the resulting empty site is not aesthetically pleasing and requires prompt attention. If not dealt with in time, long-term consequences include shifting of remaining teeth with resulting misalignment and periodontal disease.

As early as 400 BCE, Hippocrates suggested that displaced teeth should be replaced and fastened to adjacent teeth with wire. Modern emergency dental treatments are Trinity Dental Centers focus on reimplanting teeth as soon as possible, minimizing periodontal damage, and preventing infection of the pulp tissue.

The term Dental Avulsion is used to refer to the complete displacement of a tooth from its socket in alveolar bone owing to trauma.

In normal conditions, a tooth is connected to the socket by means of the periodontal ligament. When a tooth is knocked-out, that ligament stretches and splits in half. Maintaining the life of the cells that remain attached to the root surface is essential to successful replantation.

Trinity Dental Centers have scientifically designed storage media with proper osmolality (cell pressure), pH, nutritional metabolites and glucose that provide an ideal original environment to the knocked out tooth and increases the success rate of replanted knocked-out teeth to over 90% when used within an hour of the accident.

If you or your loved ones have fallen victim to a knocked out tooth, then rush to the experts at Trinity Dental Centers who will treat Dental Avulsion as a real dental emergency in which prompt management within 20–40 minutes of injury is taken.

The skilled team at Trinity Dental will rinse the avulsed permanent tooth in tap water, taking meticulous care as to not damage the surface of the root which may have living periodontal fiber and cells. After the tooth and mouth are cleaned an attempt can be made to re-plant it in its original socket within the alveolar bone and later splinted by our dentists for several weeks.

Failure to re-plant the avulsed tooth within the first 40 minutes after the injury may result in a less favorable prognosis for the tooth. If the mouth is sore or injured, Trinity Dental experts will cleanse the wound and take stitches if needed with local anesthesia and an update of tetanus immunization if the mouth was contaminated with soil.

In case of an avulsed primary tooth--re-plantation is not carried out to avoid damage to the permanent dental crypt.

At Trinity Dental Centers avulsion treatment is directed at avoiding or minimizing the resultant inflammation which  may occur due to attachment damage and pulpal infection.

One week to ten days after the replantation, the dental pulps of the replanted teeth are removed and a root canal treatment is completed within two months.

Trinity Dental Experts recommend that all dental traumas should be supported by good oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash, a soft and cold diet, and avoidance of smoking for several days to ensure periodontal ligaments regeneration. The follow-up visits to Trinity Dental Centers will include a watchful eye for the development of root resorption.

A true medical care provider like Trinity Dental Centers is available in time of dire need. With Trinity Dental as your oral health experts you can rest assured that we will be by your side in time of need

Why Are Your Teeth Yellow?

Yellow teeth can be a major turn-off. It leaves one looking dowdy and ill-kept. One major cause of tooth discolouration is smoking or chewing tobacco. The components that make up smoking products include ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide as well as nicotine and tar. When a cigarette is lit, these substances burn, causing a change in their chemical properties. The smoker inhales and smoke passes through his/her mouth, leaving sticky residue on the teeth.

Not following a routine of oral hygiene like inadequate brushing and flossing to remove plaque and stain-producing substances can cause tooth discoloration.

Certain food and drinks are also responsible for causing yellow teeth.  Black tea is full of tannins that promote teeth staining and it is considered one of the most problematic drinks for teeth discoloration. Green tea and herbal teas are believed to be much less likely to cause problems.

The phosphoric and citric acids in colas and many other sodas, along with their massive amounts of acidic sugar, all wear down tooth enamel. Commercial fruit juices are also much more acidic than most people realize. Even healthy fruits, berries and vegetables like pomegranates, blueberries and beetroot are loaded with strongly colored compounds such as polyphenols which stain teeth.

Hard candies and brightly colored sweets that you chew are a big problem for teeth staining, not just because of their high sugar content, but also because of the length of time they stay in your mouth. Any other foods and drinks that can stain your tongue, are likely to slowly stain your teeth.

Red wine is well known teeth stainer due to its deeply colored polyphenols and tannins, whereas white wine is also a problem due to its tannins and acidic nature. Brightly colored sauces like curries and tomato sauce can attach to porous dental enamel. Table condiments like soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and ketchup are believed to contribute to teeth staining.

Several diseases that affect  enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and  dentin (the underlying material under enamel) and treatments like head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can cause tooth discolouration.

Medication like antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline are known to discolor teeth when given to children whose teeth are still developing. Mouth rinses and washes containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Antihistamines (like Benadryl), antipsychotic drugs, and drugs for high blood pressure also cause teeth discoloration.

Some of the materials used in dentistry, such as amalgam  restorations, especially silver sulfide-containing materials, can cast a gray-black color to teeth. Excessive fluoride, damage from a fall as well as trauma can also cause discoloration to teeth.

As one ages the outer layer of enamel on the teeth gets worn away revealing the natural yellow color of dentin. Otherwise some people have naturally brighter or thicker enamel than others, genetically.

By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you may be able to prevent teeth discoloration like cutting down or quitting smoking and giving up excessive coffee and cola. Remember to do 2 simple things after eating or drinking any tooth-staining food or drink--have a big sip of water after you’ve finished your meal or drink and swirl it around your mouth to clear away any acids or staining compounds. Also, actively try and get more saliva into your mouth after eating and let it move over your teeth. It’s easy to do after a sip of water and saliva is your mouth’s natural defense against enamel erosion, staining and cavities.

Also, improving your dental hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and getting your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist at your nearest Trinity Dental Center every 6 months will help you maintain a white smile.

Apart from instructing you to follow proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques, at Trinity Dental Centers, the skilled dental experts will help offer treatment options to whiten teeth depending on the cause of the discoloration. This may include  bonding, veneers and our reliable, safe and affordable in-office whitening procedures. So opt for a whiter smile and bid goodbye to yellow teeth with Trinity Dental Centers.

Helping your Child keep his Teeth Clean

A child’s oral care begins when he/she is in the mother’s womb as a baby’s teeth development begins before birth. Thus, an expecting mother must eat a balanced diet and get an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

The dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers recommend that a child’s pediatrician should monitor his/her oral health from 6 months of age to foresee any imminent dental problems. In case of injury, disease or a development problem, an immediate dental checkup is advised. A visit to a Trinity Dental Center is a good idea when a child’s first primary teeth appear.

Even though it may seem convenient to put an infant to bed with a bottle of milk, formula or juice but the sugar and acids in these liquids can cause tooth decay. Once the baby is asleep the bottle should be removed without delay.

Keeping the oral cavity clean and hygienic is the cornerstone of a healthy body. A child's teeth-cleaning regime must begin with a soft cloth or gauze pad as soon as the teeth come in. As more teeth sprout, a soft toothbrush can be used.

As a parent you will have to brush you child’s teeth until he is three or four. Brush your child's teeth twice a day. Kneel down behind your child and with one hand, gently press your child's head against your chest and with the other hand, brush his or her teeth. You may also push away the upper and lower lips to make it easier to get to the teeth, paying special heed to where the teeth meet the gums.

Children learn better from example so it is a smart move to let your child watch when you brush. Apply fluoridated toothpaste in an amount about the size of a small green pea on a small soft toothbrush and let your child begin to brush supervised in the beginning.

Flossing your child's teeth can begin as soon as they touch each other.

The best way to maintain your child’s healthy oral cavity is to make sure that he/she eats nutritious foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and avoid foods that are high in sugar and processed carbohydrates. Tobacco smoke may contribute to the development of tooth decay, gum disease, and other health issues in your child thus he/she must be kept away from secondhand smoke.

The dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers believe that good habits like eating the right food and brushing and flossing regularly must be inculcated when a child is in his formative and impressionable years. In case of any dental problems, advice or regular check-ups, visit the skilled pediatric dentists at Trinity Dental Centers to ensure that your child can enjoy the pleasures of eating good food, good health and a good quality of life.

Combating Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a wretched thing to live with. That sudden, sharp jolt of pain into the nerve endings of your teeth which accompanies you when you have something sweet or cold; hot or sour can dampen any occasion.

Tooth sensitivity doesn’t let you enjoy simple pleasures like having your favorite flavor of ice cream or relishing that scalding hot cup of tea to stimulate you. Its shooting pain goes everywhere with you. Some people are even sensitive to breathing in cold air!

Sensitive teeth are a result of exposure of dentin-the underlying layer of your teeth-- as a result of receding gum tissue which protects the roots of your teeth. The roots which house thousands of tiny tubules leading to the tooth's nerve center allow the stimuli to reach the nerve in your tooth creating the onslaught of unbearable pain. Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.

There are many reasons why one may suffer from sensitive teeth like brushing aggressively or using a hard-bristled toothbrush which can wear down enamel and cause the dentin to be exposed or cause recession of the gums. The intake of acidic food, the habit of teeth grinding or the use of tooth whitening products may also be factors leading to tooth sensitivity.

For those who suffer from tooth sensitivity, the best thing is to visit the skilled and efficient dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers. A thorough oral exam will reveal what the cause for your sensitivity may be and what can be done to help find you permanent relief.

May the reason for your sensitivity be tooth decay near the gum line, gum disease, cracked teeth, teeth grinding or plaque build up-- there are a number of ways in which the team at Trinity Dental Centers can help.

If the sensitivity is due to a cavity, a restoration can be placed. If gum disease is the cause, the dental professional can perform a thorough cleaning of the area.

However, if the cause is from dentin being exposed, then Fluoride varnish can be applied to exposed areas, strengthening the enamel and dentin. At Trinity Dental, in-office procedures also include Fluoride foam or gel being placed into a mouth tray for 3-5 minutes, providing the teeth with a high concentration of fluoride to strengthen the areas. Bonding agent, the material used to stick tooth colored restorations to teeth, can be used to seal the dentin surface and provide a barrier to the stimuli that cause sensitivity

Our oral health experts recommend that prevention of tooth sensitivity can be enabled by following a regime of oral hygiene including proper brushing and flossing to clean all parts of your teeth and mouth.

Using a soft bristled toothbrush will lessen toothbrush abrasion to the tooth surface and lessen irritation to your gums and the use of a good brand of desensitizing toothpaste will help decrease your sensitivity. Try applying a thin layer of the toothpaste on the exposed tooth roots with your finger or a Q-tip before you go to bed and make use of fluoridated dental products. It is suggested that one avoid highly acidic foods which dissolve tooth enamel and lead to dentin exposure.

Whatever be your oral issue, it is always wise to seek the expert advice of the dental professionals at Trinity Dental Centers so that we may help ease your pain and treat you to prompt and professional solutions.

Visit Trinity Dental Centers at regular intervals and get professional tooth cleaning, oral hygiene instructions and fluoride treatments every six months to help you combat sensitivity so that you can continue to relish the small, yet, vital pleasures which a chilled dessert with friends or a warm cup of coffee at work can bring.

Pregnancy and Oral Health Care

Pregnancy is a time of incomparable joy for an expectant mother. It is a time of unbridled anticipation and unknown expectation. It is also a time of tremendous physical and hormonal change in a mother-to-be’s body. 

Just as an expectant mother pays special attention to her diet and health during her 9 months, similarly exceptional care should be given to oral care. 

Trinity Dental Centers recommend that singular care should be taken of your teeth and gums while you are pregnant. The hormonal changes which affect the body during pregnancy amplifies her chances of developing gum disease and may consequently affect the health of your developing baby.

It is ideal that if you are planning to start a family, you should make an appointment with the dental experts at Trinity Dental and get a thorough dental check-up and a methodical treatment of all your existing oral health problems so that those problems do not aggravate during your pregnancy tenure. 

Regular periodontal (gum) check ups are very crucial during pregnancy as many expectant mothers suffer from tender and bleeding gums - pregnancy gingivitis and periodontal disease.

It is vital that the dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers know that you are expecting and what trimester you are in. Many dentists believe that it is safer not to undergo any dental treatments in the first trimester and second half of the third trimester. These phases are critical in the baby's growth, it's wise to avoid exposing the mother to procedures that could in any way influence the baby's growth and development. Routine dental care can be received during the second trimester. Dental X-rays should also be avoided during pregnancy. If needed, dentists will take special measures to safeguard the mother and the child she carries. 

Your dentist should also know what medicines and vitamins you are taking during pregnancy.

Healthy oral habits should be followed strictly during pregnancy. Even if you have urges to snack on sweet delights, make sure that you don’t gorge on them as this may lead to tooth decay. A wholesome and balanced diet comprising of dairy products, cheese and yogurt will ensure that your baby’s teeth, gums and bones develop properly.

Many expectant mothers are plagued with morning sickness and brushing their teeth with sharp flavored toothpastes makes them retch and throw up. In such a scenario, the dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers recommend bland tasting toothpastes to ensure that the routine of oral hygiene not be disturbed. Rinsing your mouth in the morning and after meals is also advocated. 

If you have suffered from any dental problems during pregnancy, make an appointment with the experts at Trinity Dental Centers and let us relieve you of all your gum problems and teeth issues. 

Let Trinity Dental ensure that you have a memorable pregnancy, free of oral health issues which will keep you active and ready to take on the responsibilities of motherhood. 

Smoking Opens the Doors to Oral Health Problems

Each puff of cigarette makes a smoker inhale 4,700 different chemicals.
One can tell a smoker from afar. Yellow teeth, plaque, tartar and bad breath are just the tip of the iceberg of oral health problems. Smokers can suffer from an increased loss of bone within the jaw and are at a high risk of developing white patches inside the mouth--leukoplakia.

Smokers will also experience a slower healing rate subsequent to a dental procedure like a tooth extraction, periodontal treatment, or oral surgery as well as have lower success rate of dental implant procedures. The looming fear of developing oral cancer hangs constantly like a sword on the head of a smoker. Research reveals that smoking is the reason for 75% of all cancers of the mouth.

Gum disease is a common ailment faced by smokers as the harmful constituents of cigarettes and cigars interferes in the normal function of gums and affects the attachment of bone and soft tissue to the teeth. Smokers become vulnerable to infections, such as periodontal disease, and also suffer from a blighted blood flow to the gums.

The concerned healthcare professionals at Trinity Dental Centers condemn the habit of smoking. If you are a smoker, just reflect on the dire consequences that the hazardous habit of smoking can have on your oral cavity as well as your other vital organs. Visit the dental experts at Trinity Dental and let us help you deal with issues like tooth discolouration and periodontal diseases which smokers are plagued with.

Composite Filings: An answer to your ‘Silver Problems’!

Oral dental care is one of the top priority issues globally especially among the youth. With the rising consumption of high fat food, topped with caffeinated drinks and a chocolate driven generation, the oral hygiene has long been negatively questioned.

With the rise of such detrimental to oral health consumption the emergence of dental problems are inevitable. The most common amongst is the origination of cavities in the tooth which is just the beginning of the tooth impairment. Although oral hygiene by our experts and dentists at Trinity Dental has been stressed time and again, however a viable solution to these cavities is not a farfetched idea.

Gone are the days when the person sitting next to you would notice the silver smile of yours announcing the fact full well of your dental hygiene. Today with the innovation of composite filings also termed as white filings to put it simply has eradicated the need to opt for colored ones, for the white ones are not only aesthetically better but also has dental benefits. Be it a cracked tooth or simply cavies, you need not despair as Trinity Dental shall take care of your tooth in a fashion which shall reassure your confidence back in your smile and your set of teeth.

Much debate has been made on the advantages and disadvantages of composite filings. However the discussion remains every way in favor of the composite ones for white filing retain 85 to 90% of the original tooth strength. Plus they bond to tooth structure chemically and don’t require a set of accessories to do so. They completely harden instantaneously unlike other materials whose complete formation may take up to days. However staining and expense are some drawbacks which are worth a mention otherwise we at Trinity Dental always prefer composite filings over any other metal filings.

Mouth Guards: It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Imagine yourself horror struck with the loss of a tooth or at the mercy of a broken crooked smile! The only person who can at this time imagine your plight and grief is you and yourself only!

Your mouth and those perfect set of teeth happen to be one of the most attractive feature of your body. Beauty for many is all about their smile and at times this asset of yours may be subjected to unwanted risks. Be it boxing or simply the habit of grinding the teeth while asleep, there is a protection available for your precious mouth. This solution which is available readily is called Mouth guards. At Trinity Dental we make top quality mouth guards considering the levels of hygiene and fit. However customized mouth guards could be easily manufactured by us for your teeth and usually these are the ones that fit best.

The basic function of the mouth guard is to protect your teeth, gums, lips and arches from any sort of injury by cushioning the blow to the face. There are a number of mouth guards available usually encompassing the custom fitted ones, the ready to wear stocked mouth protectors, and boil and bite protectors which when inserted in water at boiling points and then inserted in the mouth to take the shape of the teeth by aptly using the fingers and the tongue pressure.

However we at Trinity are experts at handling situations in which you might be wearing braces and for that our designed custom fitted mouth guard is the best solution, for the risk of the damage to the brackets in case of a blow to the face is very high.

We at Trinity always stress on hygiene and for that matter advice that proper brushing after and before the use of the guard should be done along with the rinsing with soapy water. Plus the guard should always be checked for minor details and should be replaced whenever necessary.

Dental Sealants: Seal your teeth for perfection!

Be it the young or the old, cavities is a concern which is known and natural to all. Today due to massive oral hygiene awareness among the people along with better resources available for dental care, the number of people suffering from dental caries has declined. However there are certain difficult areas in the mouth where the tooth brush fails to reach despite the rigorous amount of brushing. For that reason there starts developing unwanted bacteria which is then a result of caries on the tooth. These areas which are difficult to clean which usually encompass the molars have certain pits and fissures where the bacteria tends to accumulate.

Adhering to and resolving for this problem we at Trinity Dental offer a solution which is simple and once done can save you from the discomfort of occasional filings which leaves your tooth weaker every time it is drilled. We offer the option of dental sealants which is applied on the grooves of the chewing surface of the back teeth, as these grooves and cervices provide the most conducive environment for the bacteria to grow.

The process of application at Trinity Dental is simple and quick. It has nothing to do with pain and is done with great accuracy by our dentists. A special gel is applied on the chewing surfaces which are then rinsed off followed by the application of the sealant which is hardened by the light. Hardly it takes a minute or two to form a protective layer on the tooth.

The permanent molars are the most likely to benefit from these sealants and hence we at Trinity Dental advise that once the molars have erupted during ages 6 and the second during 12 years of age respectively, the sealants should be applied to ensure maximum safeguard from the caries.

Arestin Therapy for Periodontal disease:

 A must for a prolonged good oral health!

The number one cause of tooth loss in The United States of America is the gum disease. A gum disease basically originates from the bacteria below the gum line. Precautions and proper treatment at the right time is the only solution that helps maintain the health of the teeth. At Trinity Dental our experts and orthodontists regard and stress highly on the elimination of the gum problems as quickly as possible; for many a times, these gum diseases become the only reason for poor oral health conditions.

If left untreated, these gum diseases can cause serious problems for which later may require expensive and painful surgeries. Our experts at Trinity Dental suggest scaling and root planning (SRP) along with the application of ARESTIN® for treating moderate to severe gum diseases i.e. as per the need.

Our dental surgeons carry out the process with great precision especially the cleaning up of the plaque and tartar from the teeth and roots. It is the plaque which lies below the gum line which causes all the problems as this is the area where the bacteria produce toxins that irritate the gums and cause gum infections. However this remains a fact that only SRP isn’t enough to take care of all the bacteria causing gum problems.

Hence for that purpose Trinity’s dentists and surgeons recommend the usage of ARTESIN® which is a locally administered antibiotic treatment for gum disease. Its consistency includes basically a powder which is composed of 100,000 tiny microspheres that release antibiotics overtime. It is a painless procedure where the powder is added in the pocket between the tooth and gum. This procedure completes the dental hygiene and ensures the powder works for quite sometimes after the treatment.

At Trinity we value your oral health; hence the quality of our services speaks volumes of our patient’s care and concerns.

Removable Dental Prosthesis: Carry yourself with pride!

Our teeth encompass the most visible and many a times tends to be the most attractive part of our face. A perfect set of teeth benefits with a perfect smile and look. However the same look can bear a heavy dent on your face with crooked or a missing tooth. We at Trinity Dental as always provide a capable and expert solution to all your worries and hence for your missing and crooked tooth have an excellent option of dentures or any kind of removable dental prosthesis that shall suit your purpose.

We are all well accustomed to dentures and the need it serves. Similarly there are partial dentures also which have come a long way in recent years and modern science and technology has made its production possible from a wide variety of materials. This is the reason the partial dentures have gained much more fame throughout the years.

For a flexible partial denture, Valplast is a material in which the entire base of the appliance is flexible. However Clear Frame allows a metal free base with less flexibility. Both are very aesthetic materials as there are no metal clasps with either. It is our aspiration at Trinity to keep you from needing denture adhesives. Our team of experts is available around the clock for any kind of advice you seek about dentures or any other removable dental prosthesis.

Our experts and specialist at Trinity Dental support the process called immediate dentures in which the dentures are delivered the same day as the day of extraction. The obvious reason is that we want our patients to get back to their busy life as soon as possible without worrying about their health or look. We at Trinity do realize how sensitive the matters of the face are and especially of the teeth and that any kind of disorientation can cause troubles to our patients in carrying out their daily endeavors.

Veneers: Your Map to a Perfect Smile!

Everyone in the world aspires for a beautiful toned body and a face to die for! Beautiful and bold features double up the level of your confidence and give you an assurance from inside which none can offer. One of the most essential feature which is a hallmark of beauty is your smile. The more beautiful your smile, the more attractive you look. For that of course, undoubtedly the one thing you exhibit to your audience is your teeth. For a perfect smile, a perfect set of teeth are absolutely necessary, and that is where we at Trinity Dental come in picture. We offer you the perfect solution, for your perfect beauty and a perfect smile for a perfect set of teeth.

Many of us have unwanted marks on our teeth, some gaps and slight crookedness on our teeth, which make us cautious of our smile and definitely undermines the level of confidence that we carry. For that we at Trinity dental offer porcelain veneers which cater to all your issues related to your perfect smile. It is one of the most famous cosmetic dentistry procedures which are practiced around the globe. But what we have to offer gives an edge of quality and satisfaction to our patients which none offers. Our experts at Trinity Dental carry out the process of applying porcelain on the teeth so immaculately that one really wonders of its precision and regards it as the most natural solution.

Porcelain that we use is actually a dental ceramic material which looks like the tooth enamel. Our expert dentists at Trinity Dental carry out the procedure of perfectly matching the porcelain veneers according to the natural enamel color of the host’s teeth, hence assuring a consistency and continuation which gives the most original look, giving a smooth look to your teeth while sharpening your beauty and your precious smile, manifolds.

A Bridge: Your way to a Perfect Smile!

Nothing is more painful than a bad tooth which needs immediate removal. We at Trinity Dental realize that and offer painless procedures to take care of such teeth. However our services don’t only stop here as we realize that after the removal of a tooth, there is an empty space left which causes problems for the rest of the teeth as it creates space for the adjacent teeth to rotate or shift which results in a bad bite. This imbalance caused by missing teeth can also cause diseases of the gum which obviously we don’t want our valued patients to undergo. Hence we offer a fine and painless solution of offering you a bridge for your teeth.

By joining an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth to replace a missing tooth is a fixed dental restoration which in dentistry is termed as a bridge. Our cosmetic dentists at Trinity Dental are experts in creating and placing bridges. Today we offer metal free bridges as well, which enables our patients to have a natural smile as a metal free bridge absorbs lights and creates a natural looking smile. Bridges are permanently cemented to the natural teeth or implants surrounding the empty space. These teeth are termed as abutments serving as anchors to the teeth.

We at Trinity Dental use modern methodology and techniques in every step of the process and offer the latest innovative solutions to our patients. Porcelain and ceramic bridges today can be matched to the color of your teeth giving you the original look and smile that you rightly deserve.

However we at Trinity Dental believe in safety measures and hygiene and always advise our patients to practice good oral hygiene to avoid gum diseases which may cause the bridge to weaken and damage. Also avoiding ice and hard food items shall help maintain the strength of the bridge.

Let Gum Recontouring widen your Smile :

A perfect smile is not only aesthetically right but goes a long way in building confidence and ensuring a strong self esteem. We at Trinity Dental understand well what a perfect sparkling smile means to you and for that purpose we offer treatments which not only fix your orthodontic problems but also ensure a renewed sense of self confidence and assurance. Gum recontouring is one of these cosmetic surgeries which our experts at Trinity Dental offer which offer more of aesthetic benefits than medical ones.

Gum recontouring involves the reshaping of the gums such that it improves the look of the individual’s teeth especially if one has a gummy smile. A gummy smile is the condition in which a person’s gum are exposed too much or too less. There may be certain medical or non medical reasons or simply pure genetics the reason for a gummy smile. Gum recontouring is usually done through the use of scalpel. However, the advances in technology have resulted in the use of laser for gum recontouring. The scalpel or laser is used to trim away excessive gum overlying the teeth. This process in general is pain free as it is performed under an anesthetic.

The gum recontouring is a simple pain free procedure involving minimum risks generally. At Trinity Dental our experts perform many contouring procedures every day. We have a number of cosmetic dentists who are specialized in their field and at the maximum require an hour to perform the treatment. Minimum is the issue of infection as while resealing the tissue most of the bacteria are killed. Your gums may feel tender after the procedure however gargling with saltish water is the best simple remedy we offer to avoid swelling. We take care of your concerns for cleanliness and hygiene and offer the treatment in the most comfortable and clean environment.

Orthodontic treatment (Braces)

A perfect smile is no doubt the best attire. Who realizes that better than us at Trinity Dental. We know exactly how you feel when you have a set of misaligned teeth, and worse if you dread the treatment for it. Well now you need not worry, put all your Orthodontic concerns aside, stop dreading the look of yours when you smile with your braces, the metal bodies attached to your teeth, as today we provide the treatment which involve the invisible braces or lingual braces which is a non visible form of fixed orthodontic therapy.
Orthodontic treatment
Yes, you are right that means that the patient enjoys an unobstructed smile all through the therapy. We at Trinity Dental design these braces according to the specification of the patient’s teeth and use appliances which are custom made to each patient. The techniques and instruments are specially designed and specially trained doctors perform this treatment. At Trinity Dental we provide all this considering the patients needs and concerns, ensuring we leave the patient not only satisfied with our services but also delight them.

We understand your concerns of your health and answer all your questions which include the stretch of time, speech concerns etc. What we at Trinity Dental promise you that these lingual braces are as good as the visible ones and take the same period of time for treatment which the visible one does while sometimes even shorter. The braces ensure minimal speech and tongue interference and are proved to be sometimes more effective as in the case of expansion of narrow dental arches.

At Trinity Dental we understand your concerns of an uninterrupted social life and a smooth career. We ensure that nothing is compromised while you are taking the treatment and our emphasis shall remain all the while in providing you that perfect smile for which you aspired for!

Metal Free Fillings

With a fine set of teeth and a bright smile, you can pull off almost anything. However, on the other hand that same smile can be a total confidence shattering experience with too many ornaments to show. We at Trinity Dental value your smile and what a fine one means to you and your personality. A mouth full of silver fillings when talking or smiling can pose a lot of discomfort on your part resulting in you being extra conscious as well as cautious of yourself. We, at Trinity Dental offer all solutions to your dental problems, hence need not worry about silver fillings any more as we offer Porcelain inlays which are not only unattractive but also metal fillings are harmful for they are extremely reactive to the heat and cold, causing in relative expansion and contraction which can even lead to teeth breakage.

Similarly harmful bacteria can get beneath these silver fillings causing decay. We at Trinity Dental believe that traditional fillings can reduce tooth strength up to 50% while these porcelain inlays can strengthen teeth by 70% lasting from 10-30 years. The porcelain inlays are made from the same strong tooth colored material that is used for crowns and bridgework.

Dental inlays are used to treat teeth that have decay and damage lying within their indented top surfaces, between the cusps of the teeth. These procedures at Trinity Dental are carried out with great care and perfection so that the benefits of Porcelain could be attained at the maximum providing you with comfort which no way matches to any of the service providers.

These qualities of better strength, durability and the aesthetic value gives the porcelain inlays definitely a better edge over silver filings, offering a better solution to cases of tooth decay. At Trinity Dental you need not worry about any of your fillings, we use top quality material and offer the best dental services.

Cosmetic Dentistry-A Need not a Luxury

Cosmetic Dentistry
A chipped tooth or an uneven one can mar the most exquisite of faces. May it be at the work place or in your personal life—your perfect, even-toothed smile can play a pivotal role in making you stand out. A bright smile which reveals perfect, straight teeth reflects your confidence. It puts others at ease and can do wonders for your rapport and popularity.

A Whiter Smile is a Happier Smile

A smile can transform your features; it can win arguments; it can dispel bitterness and infuse warmth in the most critical of circumstances. But not just any smile! A smile which reveals rows of pearly white teeth is the million-dollar smile!

Dreading a Tooth Extraction?

It makes most people cringe or run for the hills. But a tooth extraction with Trinity Dental will ensure that you are in the best hands and the procedure will be carried out with utmost care and finesse.

It is the utmost priority for Trinity Dental dentists to make sure that each tooth is saved. If a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, the Trinity Dental doctor will try to fix it with a filling,  crown or other treatment. However, in case of too much damage for the tooth to be repaired an extraction is recommended.

When do you need Dental Bonding?

Your dentist might recommend Dental Bonding for restoring decayed teeth or chipped teeth, to close spaces between your teeth, making cosmetic improvements, changing the color of your teeth or reshaping your teeth. Bonding can also protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums recede and it has proved to be a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings