“The chief pleasure in eating does not consist in costly seasoning, or exquisite flavor, but in yourself.” Horace
But how can one continue to relish food and the pleasure and satisfaction it brings when painful or burning sores inside your mouth impede your eating habits. Revealing themselves as round, white or gray coloured sores with a red rim and appearing on the tongue, the roof or inside your cheeks, canker sores are believed to be caused by certain types of bacteria and/or viruses.
Women statistically suffer from canker sores more often than men. Canker sores are typically seen in people between the ages of 10 and 40, although they have been known to show up at any age.
Their onset may be due to injuries to the mouth causing an accidental biting to the inside of the cheek or lip; scalding hot food or drink; spicy and/or acidic foods; chewing tobacco; ill-fitting, complete or partial dentures, orthodontic brackets, bands, and various other orthodontic attachments and broken teeth causing constant friction on the oral tissues.
Other causes which may trigger the appearances of canker sores may be emotional stress; bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers known as Helicobacter pylori; vitamin deficiencies, specifically vitamin B12, foliate (folic acid), and iron; hormonal changes, notably during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause; genetics; allergic reactions and sensitivities to certain foods.
Canker sores may appear as a side effect or symptom of diseases like Celiac disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, HIV/AIDS and Behcet’s disease. Thus, it is important that if your sores become unusually large, cause extreme pain and interfere with eating, drinking, and talking; cause fever, physical sluggishness, swollen lymph nodes and infection and persist for over two weeks, you must visit the dental experts at Trinity Dental Center.
The dedicated team of dentists at Trinity Dental will conduct a thorough examination of your oral cavity and inspect your sores and may prescribe an antimicrobial mouth rinse, a corticosteroid ointment, or a prescription or over-the-counter solution to reduce the pain and irritation.
The oral experts at Trinity Dental Center also suggest avoiding foods that irritate your mouth, including citrus fruits and acidic vegetables and spicy foods; brushing with a softbristled brush after meals and flossing daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore.
The oral experts at Trinity Dental Center also suggest avoiding foods that irritate your mouth, including citrus fruits and acidic vegetables and spicy foods; brushing with a softbristled brush after meals and flossing daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore.
To continue to enjoy and savor the simple, yet fulfilling, act of eating and drinking your favorite food, make Trinity Dental Centre your compassionate partner in oral healthcare.
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