It makes most people cringe or run for the hills. But a tooth extraction with Trinity Dental will ensure that you are in the best hands and the procedure will be carried out with utmost care and finesse.
It is the utmost priority for Trinity Dental dentists to make sure that each tooth is saved. If a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, the Trinity Dental doctor will try to fix it with a filling, crown or other treatment. However, in case of too much damage for the tooth to be repaired an extraction is recommended.
Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. Before the procedure, the experts at Trinity Dental will prepare you as to what to expect during the extraction. Your Trinity Dental dentist will anesthetize both your tooth and the bone and gum tissue that surround it so that you will experience minimum sensation throughout the procedure.
Extraction requires the dentist to expand the socket in which the root portion of a tooth is firmly held and then separate the tooth from the ligament which holds it in place. This process will be conducted with the help of a dental elevator which is forced and twisted so that the tooth is pressed and rocked against the bone. This helps to expand the socket. It also helps to separate the tooth from its ligament.
At Trinity Dental our thoroughly equipped clinics ensure that during extraction, a number of different extraction forceps are at hand, especially designed to grasp and maneuver different types of teeth.
Once the tooth has been removed and the extracted site is closed, our dentists at Trinity Dental will brief you about post operative instructions which will make the healing and recovery process uncomplicated and speedy.
The pulling out process of a tooth is a very physical process, yet at Trinity Dental we assure that you will feel no pain apart from the sensation of pressure. This is because our state-of-the-art instruments, wielded by our exceptionally experienced and professional team of dentists ensure that your extraction is carried out smoothly and without a hitch.
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