Helping your Child keep his Teeth Clean

A child’s oral care begins when he/she is in the mother’s womb as a baby’s teeth development begins before birth. Thus, an expecting mother must eat a balanced diet and get an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

The dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers recommend that a child’s pediatrician should monitor his/her oral health from 6 months of age to foresee any imminent dental problems. In case of injury, disease or a development problem, an immediate dental checkup is advised. A visit to a Trinity Dental Center is a good idea when a child’s first primary teeth appear.

Even though it may seem convenient to put an infant to bed with a bottle of milk, formula or juice but the sugar and acids in these liquids can cause tooth decay. Once the baby is asleep the bottle should be removed without delay.

Keeping the oral cavity clean and hygienic is the cornerstone of a healthy body. A child's teeth-cleaning regime must begin with a soft cloth or gauze pad as soon as the teeth come in. As more teeth sprout, a soft toothbrush can be used.

As a parent you will have to brush you child’s teeth until he is three or four. Brush your child's teeth twice a day. Kneel down behind your child and with one hand, gently press your child's head against your chest and with the other hand, brush his or her teeth. You may also push away the upper and lower lips to make it easier to get to the teeth, paying special heed to where the teeth meet the gums.

Children learn better from example so it is a smart move to let your child watch when you brush. Apply fluoridated toothpaste in an amount about the size of a small green pea on a small soft toothbrush and let your child begin to brush supervised in the beginning.

Flossing your child's teeth can begin as soon as they touch each other.

The best way to maintain your child’s healthy oral cavity is to make sure that he/she eats nutritious foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and avoid foods that are high in sugar and processed carbohydrates. Tobacco smoke may contribute to the development of tooth decay, gum disease, and other health issues in your child thus he/she must be kept away from secondhand smoke.

The dental experts at Trinity Dental Centers believe that good habits like eating the right food and brushing and flossing regularly must be inculcated when a child is in his formative and impressionable years. In case of any dental problems, advice or regular check-ups, visit the skilled pediatric dentists at Trinity Dental Centers to ensure that your child can enjoy the pleasures of eating good food, good health and a good quality of life.


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