Smoking Opens the Doors to Oral Health Problems

Each puff of cigarette makes a smoker inhale 4,700 different chemicals.
One can tell a smoker from afar. Yellow teeth, plaque, tartar and bad breath are just the tip of the iceberg of oral health problems. Smokers can suffer from an increased loss of bone within the jaw and are at a high risk of developing white patches inside the mouth--leukoplakia.

Smokers will also experience a slower healing rate subsequent to a dental procedure like a tooth extraction, periodontal treatment, or oral surgery as well as have lower success rate of dental implant procedures. The looming fear of developing oral cancer hangs constantly like a sword on the head of a smoker. Research reveals that smoking is the reason for 75% of all cancers of the mouth.

Gum disease is a common ailment faced by smokers as the harmful constituents of cigarettes and cigars interferes in the normal function of gums and affects the attachment of bone and soft tissue to the teeth. Smokers become vulnerable to infections, such as periodontal disease, and also suffer from a blighted blood flow to the gums.

The concerned healthcare professionals at Trinity Dental Centers condemn the habit of smoking. If you are a smoker, just reflect on the dire consequences that the hazardous habit of smoking can have on your oral cavity as well as your other vital organs. Visit the dental experts at Trinity Dental and let us help you deal with issues like tooth discolouration and periodontal diseases which smokers are plagued with.


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