Arestin Therapy for Periodontal disease:

 A must for a prolonged good oral health!

The number one cause of tooth loss in The United States of America is the gum disease. A gum disease basically originates from the bacteria below the gum line. Precautions and proper treatment at the right time is the only solution that helps maintain the health of the teeth. At Trinity Dental our experts and orthodontists regard and stress highly on the elimination of the gum problems as quickly as possible; for many a times, these gum diseases become the only reason for poor oral health conditions.

If left untreated, these gum diseases can cause serious problems for which later may require expensive and painful surgeries. Our experts at Trinity Dental suggest scaling and root planning (SRP) along with the application of ARESTIN® for treating moderate to severe gum diseases i.e. as per the need.

Our dental surgeons carry out the process with great precision especially the cleaning up of the plaque and tartar from the teeth and roots. It is the plaque which lies below the gum line which causes all the problems as this is the area where the bacteria produce toxins that irritate the gums and cause gum infections. However this remains a fact that only SRP isn’t enough to take care of all the bacteria causing gum problems.

Hence for that purpose Trinity’s dentists and surgeons recommend the usage of ARTESIN® which is a locally administered antibiotic treatment for gum disease. Its consistency includes basically a powder which is composed of 100,000 tiny microspheres that release antibiotics overtime. It is a painless procedure where the powder is added in the pocket between the tooth and gum. This procedure completes the dental hygiene and ensures the powder works for quite sometimes after the treatment.

At Trinity we value your oral health; hence the quality of our services speaks volumes of our patient’s care and concerns.


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